Staff of Dorothy Hopkin Home For The Disabled Receiving a solar water-heater panel from Members of the Rotary Club of Grenada
Patients and staff at the Dorothy Hopkin Home For The Disabled were buzzing with excitement as a solar water heater system was delivered on March 08, 2021. The Rotary Club of Grenada in partnership with the Rotary Club of Barnaby, Canada donated a solar-powered water heater to the Home at their location in Tempe, St George. Rotary Club of Grenada President Henry Joseph visited the home together with President-Elect Alphonsus Daniel, Vice President Collin Francis and Director of Community Services Otis Wade. They were met by the Management of the home led by Ms. Catherine John who thanked both Clubs for their donation.
President Elect Alphonsus Daniel who oversaw the delivery made reference to the challenges faced by the home and the inconvenience of its patients having to use cold water for their basic sanitation needs. He lamented that in modern times, the home should be equipped with basic amenities to secure the well-being of its occupants. President Henry Joseph expressed satisfaction that the Rotary Club of Grenada along with an international club were able to identify local challenges and address them. He said, "During these challenging times, Rotary continues to live its purpose by collaborating and solving the problems plaguing humanity. We will continue to tackle issues facing our communities one at a time, no matter how small or daunting the tasks may be."
Ms Catherine John was delighted to see the solar panels making their way to the installation site on the compound. She noted the importance of water heaters to the facility and highlighted their fuel efficient benefits. The solar heaters will reduce electricity consumption by using the sun as an alternative energy source to heat water. Ms John added, "In such an exceptionally hard time, this donation by Rotary has provided an essential convenience to our patients who have been without for such a long time. We know this donation will make a huge difference to the home and its occupants".
The Rotary Club of Grenada has made a commitment to leverage its fund raising capabilities and make meaningful donations aimed at improving the lives of Grenada's most vulnerable residents. Just recently the both local Rotary Clubs completed a food hamper drive where hundreds of vulnerable families received well-stocked food hampers to alleviate their basic food needs.