District Governor Stephen Ramroop Visits The Rotary Clubs of Grenada
Posted by Alana Wilson on Aug 25, 2012
Governor of District 7030 Dr. Stephen Ramroop made his official visit to the Rotary Clubs of Grenada from 17 -19 Aug 2012 - His first official club visit outside of Trinidad & Tobago.

DG Stephen had a whirlwind of a visit with the Rotary Clubs of Grenada. After arriving in Grenada at 4:10pm with his Partner-in-Service Joanne and daughter Amanada, he was met by Assistant Governor Julia, and whisked away to meet with the Board of the Rotary Club of Grenada East. This was followed by a meeting with the general membership of the Rotary Club of Grenada East. In his address to both gatherings, he highlighted RI's and the District's focus for the Rotary year 2012-13. The following day he had an early meeting with the 2013 District Conference Planning Committee. This was followed by visits to two Rotary projects: Grenada School for Special Education and the Quarantine Point Recreational Park. He then paid a courtesy call on the Governor General of Grenada His Excellency Sir Carlyle Glean where he briefed on his role and plans as District Governor. He stopped for a brief lunch on the picturesque Grand Anse Beach; followed by a meeting with the Board of the Rotary Club of Grenada - a truly inspiring meeting in which he again outlined RI & the District's focus. He ended the day with dinner with the AG, President and Partners-In-Service. On the last day of his visit, he toured the Island, which included lunch at Belmont Plantation, a 300 year old plantation offering a fantastic creole restaurant, museum, goat dairy, crafts, chocolate factory outlet and gifts.