Dr. Marion Pierre (L) and Rotary Club of Grenada President - Alphonsus Daniel unveiling the plaque at the opening of The Pierre Playpark
The Rotary Club of Grenada (RCG) announced the opening of The Pierre Playpark at Quarantine Point Recreational Park on Saturday, June 04, 2022. The play park project was completed through generous funding provided by Dr. Marion Pierre through The Maria Holder Memorial Trust. The newly opened play park will serve as an inclusive space for individuals and families alike to enjoy the wonderful playground and gazebo.
The RCG believes that the addition of The Pierre Playpark is a great amenity at the Rotary managed Quarantine Park and fits in perfectly with the long term vision for Quarantine Park being a premier outdoor venue for all to enjoy.
On June 04, the new play park was officially opened by Dr. Marion Pierre at a special event held for the occasion. The new play park includes a swing set, monkey bars, slides and a spinning wheel. The space provides ample room for persons to enjoy the amenities year round. The gazebo accompanying the park is wheelchair accessible making it easy for persons with special needs to enjoy the breezy, covered area.
The project scope included the painting of a mural on the newly built washroom facilities building at Quarantine Park. The impressive painting was done by Mr. Nahshon Jeremiah and his team of skilled artists. Nahshon is well-known for capturing the beauty of the Caribbean through large-scale paintings. His latest work at the Quarantine Park promises to leave park patrons in awe.

The RCG used the opportunity to thank Dr. Pierre and The Maria Holder Memorial Trust immensely for their donation. The President of the RCG made a commitment to ensure they facilities are purposefully used and maintained. For her contribution to the project, Dr. Pierre was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow award, the highest honour bestowed by Rotary Clubs in recognition and award to persons who have displayed exemplary work in community service or helping those in need.

Dr Marion Pierre (L) receiving the Paul Harris Fellow pin from Past President Kay Simon. Looking on is RCG President Alphonsus Daniel