The Rotary Club of Grenada (RCG) brought relief to scores of students by donating backpacks and school supplies to help enhance their school experience. The RCG through a partnership with the Grenada Covid Crisis Group (GCCG) donated 85 backpacks to the School For Special Education in The Limes and The Bel Air Home For Children And Adolescents.
The GCCG is an affiliation to the Grenadians United in Virginia (GUIV), a non-political, humanitarian organisation dedicated to providing medical, educational and health personnel support to Grenadians. The GUIV was established 28 years ago and comprises mainly of medical professionals who are dedicated to improving healthcare and education in Grenada. In recent years, the GUIV has made large donations to health facilities in Grenada.
The School For Special Education used the opportunity to thank the RCG for its continuous support to improving the quality of learning at the school. Parents of students attending the school have also expressed gratitude for the donation. The President of RCG, Mr. Alphonsus Daniel disclosed that the RCG will continue deploying resources to assist the school with maintenance items as needed for promoting a healthy learning environment.
School of Special Education
Students from School For Special Needs Receiving Their Backpacks And School Supplies
The Bel Air Home For Children And Adolescents thanked the RCG for the donation of school supplies and acknowledged the difficulties many families have faced as they continue to deal with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Since opening in 1999, the Bel Air Home has provided residential care for children and adolescents in need. 
Members of the Rotary Club Of Grenada Presenting Backpacks and School Supplies to Ms. Lisa Charles of Belair Home For Children